Off Grid Electricity – How to Get Off the Grid with Solar and Wind Generators

May 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Solar Energy, Wind Energy

Generating sustainable off grid electricity is very much possible as opposed to what a lot of people believe. It may very well be the option many will be forced to consider at the rate at which things are going nowadays. With the inevitable depletion of fossil fuel, electricity companies have had to be paying more to sustain production — as fossil fuel seems destine to become a scarce commodity. Consequently, this has forced them to charge consumers more for electricity.
With this disadvantage brought about by increased electricity bills, an off grid electricity system will prove to be the best solution to escape high electricity charges. In order to get off the grid, either of the two primary sources of renewable energy would be required, or a combination of both. The two primary sources of renewable energy are solar and wind power. They are best suited for residential purposes — as they can be easily installed on houses.
It is better to combine both systems, when seeking to generate off the grid electricity. This is because both systems rely on two different sources of energy, and there may be times when conditions render one source useless, while the other will still remain functional. Simply put — solar electricity won’t work when there is no sun, and wind generators will require the wind to work. So, relying on a combination of both systems will ensure that there is a steady flow of electricity readily available at all times.

Combining wind and solar for an off grid electricity system

Before thinking about combining solar and wind power to create a well-working off grid system, it will be necessary to acquire solar and wind generators. Since the aim is to save money, it would probably be better to build the systems needed than buying them. This is because solar and wind generator systems are sold for thousands of dollars, while building them may only cost a few hundred dollars. There will also be a need for several systems (solar and wind systems), since the aim is to get off the grid. Nonetheless, building all of them will still save thousands of dollars than buying them.
To build an off grid electricity system, you will first need a DIY renewable energy guide. Such guides are common on the internet and can be acquired at a reasonable price. The task of build an off grid system isn’t at all difficult, once a renewable energy guide is carefully followed. It is also not a task that is expected to take several months to complete. It can be done in just a few days, especially if there’s a lot of free time available, plus if assistance is received from family members.

Financial benefit of off grid living

After the off grid electricity system is built and up and running, there is even a way it can help to put money back into your pocket. If you remain connected to the main grid and happen to generate more electricity than your household demands are, you can sell that extra electricity back to your electricity company. There is even a tax incentive offered by the government for people who generate their own electricity.
As can be seen, building and combining wind and solar system to create an off grid electricity system, will not only cut the cost of a high electricity bill, it will also bring about special benefits — from earning money from the electricity company to government tax incentives.

For the best do-it-yourself guides on renewable energy like wind and solar energy visit:

DIY Home Energy System

Energy2Green System


Real Goods Solar, Inc.


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