

There is no way of going through life avoiding any mention of green, renewable energy. It is something that has come to be as much a part of life as politics, sport and just about anything else we read and think about. We will be leaving behind a world for our kids when we are no longer around, and we want them to have a sustainable way of life. This means paying attention to renewable energy and making sure that what we do today has results which make the future liveable...

Green DIY Energy


The truth about human nature is that we are all willing to help out our near neighbors, and those further away, but in many cases only so long as it does not cost us too much to do so. As people, it could be argued that we are a little bit selfish in that respect, but this is human nature – we want to ensure our own survival first. When it comes to green and renewable energy we know that there will always be people who will go above and beyond to help and provide a future with sustainable energy provision...

Home Made Energy

Home Made Energy 

There is something pretty annoying about having to pay huge electricity bills and knowing that the electricity is coming from sources which are contributing to the damage which is being done to the environment. It is adding insult to injury for anyone who has a desire to ensure a safer, cleaner world for their kids – knowing that they will have to spend more and more each month, and seeing the effects of the method of production, with all the damage they do...