Solar Lighting

August 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Solar Lighting

Looking For Solar Lighting?  Now You Can Find Great Deals Here.

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Pursuing Alternative Forms of Energy

August 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Alternative Energy

Pursuing Alternative Forms of Energy

Record high prices at American gas pumps and continued trouble-brewing in the Middle East, Nigeria, and other areas of importance to the oil-driven economy have made it clear to Americans that we are in need of developing many new avenues of energy supply and production. In short, we need to reduce our dependency on oil, for it is ultimately finite and, frankly, the cheap sources of oil (not all oil—just the stuff that is cheap to remove from the earth) are running out. Energy consultants and analysts are insistent that cheap oil has “peaked” or is very soon going to peak.  What this means for us is an expensive future—unless we can find new sources of powering our mechanized and electronic civilization, new sources which are alternatives to oil.

We must also switch to alternative forms of energy because our present forms are too damaging to the atmosphere. While this write does not believe that the global warming trend is much, if at all, sustained by the activities of mankind (in short, it’s a natural cycle and there’s nothing we can do about it except prepare for the effects of it), we certainly do contribute at present to the destruction of the environment and to things like air pollution with our energy sources as they are. Coal is another source of energy that we need to wean ourselves off of—again, it is finite, and it is filthy, and the mining of it is dangerous and environmentally disruptive. We can also explore new, streamlined methods for producing electricity that we presently generate so much of via hydro-power so that we are less disruptive of the environment when we have need of constructing things such as large dams.

Click Here To Discover How To Start Generating Your Own Alternative Energy

Developing nations which have turned industrialized in recent decades especially will need the benefits of alternative energy research and development, for they are presently doing much more environmental damage than the United States. The United States, Japan, and some European nations have been implementing studies into and programs for the development of alternative energy sources, and are therefore already leading the way in doing less environmental damage. The developing nations such as China and India need to look to Japan and the West as examples of what research and development to give government backing and private investment currency to. We could also add great robustness to our own economy by being at the forefront of such alternative energy sources development and then marketing the technologies and services to nations like India, China, Brazil, and so on and so forth.

Biofuels from things like “supertrees” and soybeans, refined hydroelectric technology, natural gas, hydrogen fuel cells, the further building of atomic energy plants, the continued development of solar energy photovoltaic cells, more research into wind-harnessed power—all of these are viable energy sources that can act as alternatives to the mammoth amounts of oil and coal that we presently are so dependent on for our very lifestyles. The energy of the future is green.

Click Here To Discover How To Start Generating Your Own Alternative Energy

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Alternative Energy for Home

August 8, 2010 by  
Filed under Alternative Energy

Alternative Energy for Home

The trend toward homes that are powered by alternative energy sources, ranging from wind turbines and solar collection cells to hydrogen fuel cells and biomass gases, is one that needs to continue into the 21st century and beyond. We have great need of becoming more energy independent, and not having to rely on the supplying of fossil fuels from unstable nations who are often hostile to us and our interests. But even beyond this factor, we as individuals need to get “off the grid” and also stop having to be so reliant on government-lobbying giant oil corporations who, while they are not really involved in any covert conspiracy, nevertheless have a stranglehold on people when it comes to heating their  homes (and if not through oil, then heat usually supplied by grid-driven electricity, another stranglehold).

As Remi Wilkinson, Senior Analyst with Carbon Free, puts it, inevitably, the growth of distributed generation will lead to the restructuring of the retail electricity market and the generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure. The power providers may have to diversify their business to make up for revenues lost through household energy micro-generation. She is referring to the conclusions by a group of UK analysts, herself included among them, who call themselves Carbon Free. Carbon Free has been studying the ever-growing trend toward alternative energy-using homes in England and the West. This trend is being driven by ever-more government recommendation and sometimes backing of alternative energy research and development, the rising cost of oil and other fossil fuels, concern about environmental degradation, and desires to be energy independent. Carbon Free concludes that, assuming traditional energy prices remain at their current level or rise, micro-generation (meeting all of one’s home’s energy needs by installing alternative energy technology such as solar panels or wind turbines) will become to home energy supply what the Internet became to home communications and data gathering, and eventually this will have deep effects on the businesses of the existing energy supply companies.

Click Here To Discover How To Generate Your Own Alternative Energy For Home

Carbon Free’s analysis also show that energy companies themselves have jumped in on the game  and seek to leverage micro-generation to their own advantage for opening up new markets for themselves. Carbon Free cites the example of electricity companies (in the UK) reporting that they are seriously researching and developing ideas for new geothermal energy facilities, as these companies see geothermal energy production as a highly profitable wave of the future. Another conclusion of Carbon Free is that solar energy hot water heating technology is an efficient technology for reducing home water heating costs in the long run, although it is initially quite expensive to install.  However, solar power is not yet cost-effective for corporations, as they require too much in the way of specialized plumbing to implement solar energy hot water heating. Lastly, Carbon Free tells us that installing wind turbines is an efficient way of reducing home electricity costs, while also being more independent. However, again this is initially a very expensive thing to have installed, and companies would do well to begin slashing their prices on these devices or they could find themselves losing market share.

Click Here To Discover How To Generate Your Own Alternative Energy For Home

For Alternative Energy For Home Supplies Visit Solar Direct

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What is Alternative Energy

August 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Alternative Energy

What is Alternative Energy?

There is a lot of energy that we can  harness if we only seek to research and develop the technologies needed to do so. We can get away from the fossil fuels and the old electrical grids by turning to alternatives to these energy sources.

One of these alternative energy resources is wind power. Wind turbines continue to be developed that are progressively more energy efficient and less costly. “Wind farms” have been springing up in many nations, and they have even become more strategically placed over time so that they are not jeopardizing birds as former wind turbines did.

Another alternative energy resource is the one that is most well known: solar energy. This involves the manufacturing of solar cells which gather and focus the energy given off directly by the sun, and translate it into electricity or, in some cases, hot water. As with wind energy, solar energy creates absolutely zero pollution.

Click Here For Valuable Alternative Energy Resources

Ocean wave energy is seen by governments and investors as having enormous energy generating potential. A generator in France has been in operation for many years now and is considered to be a great success, and the Irish and Scots are running experimental facilities.

Another alternative energy resource is hydroelectric power.  Hydroelectric power has been with us for a while and where it is set up, it is a powerful generator of electricity and cleaner than a grid. However, there are certain limitations to the availability of the right places to set up a large dam. Many run-of-the-river, or small and localized, hydroelectric generators have been set up in recent times due to this limitation.

Click Here For Valuable Alternative Energy Resources

Geothermal energy is extremely abundant, since it lies directly beneath our feet, just a few miles below the earth’s surface. This energy is produced by the heating of water through the actions of earth’s fantastically hot molten core. The water turns to steam, which can be harnessed and used to drive turbine engines which in turn generate electricity. Great amounts of research and development should be put into geothermal energy tapping.

Waste gas energies, which are essentially methane, reverse the usual energy-pollution relationship by creating energy from waste that lies in the dumps and from some air pollutants. This gas is used in fuel cells and can be used in standard gasoline generators.

Ethanol is a gasoline substitute and is created from such things as wheat, sugarcane, grapes, strawberries, corn, and even wood chips and wood cellulose. There is controversy over this fuel with regards to its ever becoming truly economical or practical except in very localized areas, but technologies for its extraction and admixturing are continuously being refined.

Another alternative energy resource is biodiesel energy.  Biodiesel energy is created out of the oils contained in plants. So far, the commercial stores of biodiesel have been created using soybean, rapeseed, and sunflower oils. At the time of this writing, biodiesel is typically produced by entrepreneurial minded individuals or those who want to experiment with alternative energy, but commercial interest from companies is on the rise. It burns much cleaner than oil-based diesel.

Atomic energy is created in atomic energy plants using the process of nuclear fission. This energy is extremely efficient and can generate huge amounts of power. There is concern from some people about what to do with the relatively small amount of waste product atomic energy gives off, since it is radioactive and takes hundreds of years to decay into harmlessness.

Click Here For Valuable Alternative Energy Resources

Solar Generator

July 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Solar Generator

Solar Generator – What is a solar generator?

A solar generator is a device that converts solar energy into electrical energy. The sun’s light energy is converted into electrical energy by solar cells also known as photovoltaic cells. The return on investment of a solar generator is very fast, thus making electricity available at very low costs.

The solar generator also does away with our dependence on the government for electricity. In the current times of fast-depleting fuel resources, it is only wise that we look towards implementing renewable energy solutions.

A solar generator also helps store solar power in cells for later use. Thus, you can illuminate your home even when the sky is cloudy. The solar generator definitely proves to be a silver lining.

What are the advantages of using a solar generator?

There are several advantages of using solar generators, among them:

  • Pollution-free: Using a solar generator paves way to a greener environment. It does not pollute the environment in any way. Moreover, it does not make use of any of the scarce fuels.
  • Cost-effective: The solar generator makes use of free energy, thus helping you save money. In the long run, the electricity produced by the solar generator turns out to be available for free.
  • Power storage: The solar generators help store power for the rainy days, literally. It thus ensures that you have uninterrupted power supply to your home around the clock, everyday.
  • Low-maintenance: The solar power generator is very easy to maintain, helping you save time, effort, and money.


Solar Power Energy

July 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Solar Energy, Solar Power

Solar Power Energy

Solar energy or solar power is the most abundant form of energy available on earth. The sun is capable of giving us more than heat and light. The sun has been one of the biggest factors dictating every living being’s stay on the earth. If we go the right path, we can harness more from the solar energy, like generating solar power energy for daily use.

What are the advantages of solar power energy?

The solar power energy solution is gaining popularity amongst the renewable energy solutions.

• Renewable green energy solution: When you look at the solar power solution, you will realize that it uses absolutely no fuel other than the solar light. Moreover, it does not release into the atmosphere anything harmful.

• Cheapest power solution: First, the energy comes free. Then, the installation cost is a one-time cost. Finally, the investment is recovered within a few years of installation, making the power generated by solar energy absolutely free.

• Convenience of storage: You cannot store conventional power but you can store solar power for future use. The solar energy comes to rescue even in the times of darkness! Storing it also ensures a 24/7/365  supply of power, thus saving you from any power outage.

• Low on maintenance: The solar power systems are easy to maintain. They do not involve high costs or too much effort, thus letting you reap the benefits of the solution comfortably.

Click Here To Discover How To Make Your Own Solar Power Energy

How can solar power energy be used?

Solar power energy can be used in our everyday lives by adopting the following solar power systems:

• Solar cooking system: Solar cooking is about cooking without lighting a fire or using electricity! Before you wonder, let me tell you that solar cooking is not about bland food. You can cook in more ways than one – boil, roast, or bake, cook the way you want! The only demand that solar cooking makes of you is being patient; it is a matter of more than a few minutes. However, it is not asking for too much given that you will get tasteful and healthy food without worrying about paying your gas or electricity bill.

• Solar lighting system: You can now light up the entire house, use every electrical appliance without thinking about cutting down bills. The solar lighting system lights up your house even in the nights, thanks to the power storage feature it has.

• Solar heating system: You can keep your house cozy and warm using the solar heating system without worrying about costs.

Now you can make your own solar power system with solar and wind energy to eliminate your power bill.   Get your complete guide at:


Battery Recondition – Improve Battery Life

June 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Recondition Battery

All batteries will fail at some point, when they have been in use for longer periods of time. But premature battery failure is one of the main frustrations people face.

Common thinking is that turning devices off extends battery life, but what happens is the opposite. Devices consume more power when they are starting up, so turning them off is not such a good idea if they are going to be switched on frequently.

Cars and Other Automobiles

It is important to protect the car battery from high under the hood temperatures with the use of a case or a heat shield. The battery life can be extended by keeping the battery charged at all times. Electrolyte levels will have to be checked frequently during the hot months. A recent study revealed that relocating the battery outside the engine compartment has increased its life by almost eight months. Car manufacturers are relocating the starting battery to the passenger compartment or the trunk to avoid under the hood temperatures. It also helps to use wet batteries vented to the outside or cells that do not produce gas when recharged. Based on the driving of each individual, some batteries are undercharged and this leads to sulfation, where lead sulfate gets accumulated, reducing the battery capacity. An external battery can be used for charging.

For any battery, the most important factor to consider is the temperature. Ensuring they are not exposed to too much heat can extend the life of a battery. It is common sense that high temperatures lead to faster chemical reactions. They need to be watered more often with only deionized or demineralized water. However, rain water is a good substitute in an emergency. In addition to the temperature, a reduction in the number of discharge/charge cycles significantly improves battery service life. In extremely cold climates, the car battery needs to be continuously kept fully charged when not in use.

Portable Electronic Devices

Battery life can be increased for iPods, cell phones, laptops etc. by lowering the brightness when not necessary. For example, when using these devices in a dark room, it is not necessary to set the brightness to 100%. The brightness can be lowered enough so that the screen can be seen without exerting any strain on the eyes can be done. The amount of time the backlight stays on can also be decreased. For iPods it doesn’t have to stay on for 10 seconds, 2 seconds should be good enough. Laptops can be set in hibernate mode when not in use.

One most important point that not many people are aware of is that turning down the volume increases battery life. Use headphones that are louder and leave the volume at 50%.

Background applications are power hungry monsters. Stop everything that is not being used. Defragmenting the hard drive once in a while helps decrease file scatter on the hard drive and uses up less power. Send the computer into standby mode after a certain period of inactivity as it conserves battery. Although, standby resume also uses some power but not as much as starting up. Interestingly, leaving a CD or DVD in the drive can decrease battery life, as it hogs power whenever the drive spins up.

In Wi-Fi Applications

Battery life in Wi-Fi apps can be prolonged by either increasing battery capacity or reducing Wi-Fi product power consumption and through control methods. It is easy to increase battery capacity; however, due to technological limits, it may lead to an increase in cost and size of the battery. That brings us to the option of reducing power consumption, which can be done by prolonging the standby time and shortening the time of the active cycle. You can also turn off the WiFi on the iPod when not in use as it consumes a large amount of life.

These techniques of low power consumption can improve battery life dramatically.   Most of them are common sense usage techniques and can easily be made part of our daily lives.

Now there’s a guide which will show you how to recondition and repair your old batteries, so that you can save money and at the same time help the environment.


Click Here To Discover How To Save Money By Recondition Your Batteries

Benefits of Using Homemade Wind Turbines for Electricity

May 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Wind Energy

People have been harnessing energy from the wind for many years now — through using wind turbines for electricity generation to power homes and different machines. The very first wind generators were enormous systems that required a lot of land space just to set up. These days, however, wind turbines now come in various shapes and sizes, from portable units to mega industrial systems. With the advancement in technology, not only are there different options to choose from when it comes to wind turbines; it is also now possible to build homemade systems.

Building wind turbines for electricity generation is by far the most affordable alternative, instead of buying commercial systems that are sold for thousands of dollars. The cost of building homemade generators is often no more than $200. This though, will depend a lot on where the parts are sourced from. All the necessary parts can be purchased at local hardware and electrical stores. But buying parts is not always a necessity, as often time the needed parts can be taken from recycled parts around homes or junk yards.

However, before going about trying to build wind turbines for electricity purpose, it is important that the correct instructions are followed. This can be obtained from renewable energy guides that can be found online. A word of caution though; not all renewable energy guides will be worth following. It is imperative a comprehensive guide is obtained, one that will give guidance in a step-by-step format — covering all the different details of the assembly and installation process.
So, it is safe to say that certain renewable energy guides should be avoided when seeking to build wind turbines for electricity reasons. These are the types that are usually freely available on different websites. These versions are often not thorough enough, and just give an overview of the parts that are used in building wind turbines. Should such guides be followed by complete beginners –those persons would most certainly run into some level of difficulty.

Therefore, it is highly recommended that only professionally written guides are sought. Professional guides often provide illustrated diagrams along with video tutorials, so the complete novice will have no problems whatsoever while building their first homemade wind turbine.

So, for persons looking to reduce their electricity bill through acquiring wind turbines for electricity purpose — it will be far cheaper and affordable to build their own systems. Not forgetting, however — the importance of choosing the right guide as was mentioned above.

For the best do-it-yourself guides on renewable energy like wind and solar energy visit:

DIY Home Energy System

Energy2Green System


Off Grid Electricity – How to Get Off the Grid with Solar and Wind Generators

May 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Solar Energy, Wind Energy

Generating sustainable off grid electricity is very much possible as opposed to what a lot of people believe. It may very well be the option many will be forced to consider at the rate at which things are going nowadays. With the inevitable depletion of fossil fuel, electricity companies have had to be paying more to sustain production — as fossil fuel seems destine to become a scarce commodity. Consequently, this has forced them to charge consumers more for electricity.
With this disadvantage brought about by increased electricity bills, an off grid electricity system will prove to be the best solution to escape high electricity charges. In order to get off the grid, either of the two primary sources of renewable energy would be required, or a combination of both. The two primary sources of renewable energy are solar and wind power. They are best suited for residential purposes — as they can be easily installed on houses.
It is better to combine both systems, when seeking to generate off the grid electricity. This is because both systems rely on two different sources of energy, and there may be times when conditions render one source useless, while the other will still remain functional. Simply put — solar electricity won’t work when there is no sun, and wind generators will require the wind to work. So, relying on a combination of both systems will ensure that there is a steady flow of electricity readily available at all times.

Combining wind and solar for an off grid electricity system

Before thinking about combining solar and wind power to create a well-working off grid system, it will be necessary to acquire solar and wind generators. Since the aim is to save money, it would probably be better to build the systems needed than buying them. This is because solar and wind generator systems are sold for thousands of dollars, while building them may only cost a few hundred dollars. There will also be a need for several systems (solar and wind systems), since the aim is to get off the grid. Nonetheless, building all of them will still save thousands of dollars than buying them.
To build an off grid electricity system, you will first need a DIY renewable energy guide. Such guides are common on the internet and can be acquired at a reasonable price. The task of build an off grid system isn’t at all difficult, once a renewable energy guide is carefully followed. It is also not a task that is expected to take several months to complete. It can be done in just a few days, especially if there’s a lot of free time available, plus if assistance is received from family members.

Financial benefit of off grid living

After the off grid electricity system is built and up and running, there is even a way it can help to put money back into your pocket. If you remain connected to the main grid and happen to generate more electricity than your household demands are, you can sell that extra electricity back to your electricity company. There is even a tax incentive offered by the government for people who generate their own electricity.
As can be seen, building and combining wind and solar system to create an off grid electricity system, will not only cut the cost of a high electricity bill, it will also bring about special benefits — from earning money from the electricity company to government tax incentives.

For the best do-it-yourself guides on renewable energy like wind and solar energy visit:

DIY Home Energy System

Energy2Green System


How To Generate Solar Electricity To Power Your Home

May 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Renewable Energy, Solar Energy

More and more home owners today have begun seeking to generate solar electricity to power their homes. This is because they have come to the realization that switching to solar power is among the best ways of saving on their electricity bill. It certainly makes a lot of sense to switch to solar power, when fossil fuel depletion has forced the world towards a pending energy crisis. But though solar power is a viable energy source, there are still vast majorities who find it difficult to afford expensive solar systems. Below in this article, we will be looking at how to generate solar electricity from home through inexpensive means.

The cheapest way to generate solar electricity is through home built solar generators. This can be done by following the guidance of renewable energy manuals. Renewable energy manuals have grown in popularity over the last few years, particularly due to the fact that people are unable to afford expensive solar systems. These manuals were created with the complete novice in mind, so that just about anyone can follow and build their own inexpensive systems. Such guides can be purchased online for a cheap price.

With the help of a renewable energy guide, anyone looking to generate solar electricity to power their homes — need not worry that this will be a near impossible task that could talk weeks to months. Most renewable energy guides are professionally and comprehensively written, so that just about anyone can follow the step-by-step instructions that are given. They often include illustrated diagrams and video tutorials to outline all aspect of the building and installation process, so no hassle or pit-fall will be encountered.

This will make the plan to generate solar electricity, one that can be executed in as little time as possible. Needless to say, the task of building a solar system for home use is one that can take just days, rather than weeks to complete. This could also be a project that the entire family could join in — having fun while doing it. Of course, there is nothing like the sense of accomplishment that accompanies building your own solar system. Then there are is the joy of saving extra money every month on your electricity bill.

So, if you are looking to reduce your dependency on conventional electricity, by making the steps to generate solar electricity — you need not worry about the high prices commercial solar systems are sold for. All you will need is the right renewable energy manual to build your own solar system. Before long, you will also be contributing in helping to prevent the world from having a global energy crisis.

For the best do-it-yourself guides on renewable energy like wind and solar energy visit:

DIY Home Energy System

Energy2Green System


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